much love for the juggalos
Your prejudice against dead people
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much love for the juggalos
Your prejudice against dead people
bless you my child
this is my first review in over a year and all i ahve to say is this: you have a talent that far exceeds the many your gift of story telling does a great honor to your brother's memory and too yourself. thank you you are an inspration to us all
I am sorry for your loss
Though i may not know your pain I am deeply sorry for your loss.
More Blood
Gotta love the stick deathy goodness and the music carina berana
.......with the nuts and the.....
A toon about a squirell on crack hella sweet man hella sweet
That was great really good
Hell yeah
That was a fuckin tight movie plz finish the next one
We Don't Die
Age 37, Male
U.S. Navy
San Diego
Joined on 12/24/02